Festering fleaBITE

fleaBITE has been busy.

The (lack of) a summer in Wellington this year provided lots of time in the studio for the fleaBITE brain to get whirring and stirring. The power was on, the creative juices were flowing and the new songs, they started a-coming.

Armed with demos of the new songs, fleaBITE went in search of new blood to add flavour and spice, and discovered Adam Page, a talented multi-instrumentalist from Australia. What’s more, Adam was blessed with a long bushy beard…the perfect haven for fleas!

So, as the summer rain fell and the summer wind blew, fleaBITE enticed Adam to Studio 55 where they listened to the demos together and hatched…a plan.

14 crazy new songs, bold lyrics and brassy musical arrangements, and the promise of a fabulous new album in the spring.

We’ll keep you posted on this brave new fleaBITE offering.


Pet Of The Month

