Time Goes By

The most heartfelt song on the fleaBITE album is the little waltz ‘Time Goes By’.
Some people advised me to leave it off, because it was so different to the other crazy songs, but I decided to stick with it.

I remember watching television in November 2010 when the big news in New Zealand was the Pike River Mine disaster. Explosions in the coal-mine on the wild west coast of NZ’s South Island had claimed the lives of 29 miners. The whole country rippled with sadness.

As I followed the story the words of ‘Time Goes By’ just came to me and I hurriedly wrote it down on the back of an envelope lying on the table with tears in my eyes.

The beautiful dawn chorus which plays at the end of the song was supplied by the Department of Conservation (DoC) and features on their website: www.doc.govt.nz


Bury me under a tree
Let the great moonbeam
Smile down on me
Bury me under a stone
Let the birds sing
So I won’t be alone


I will rise
Just like a sunflower
My face to the day
I will fly
Through the effortless hours
That get tick tocked away
Time goes by

Show me the mountains and streams
Let me ride the wind
To the land of your dreams
Show me more
Secrets now spoken
Will unlock the door


Look at the ground down below
Smallest spring seedlings
Are starting to grow
Look at the stars up above
For millions of years
They have witnessed our love




Showing the Songs to Real People … and Piggy


Mastering with Mike Gibson